Welcome to the Course Equivalency System

This tool is designed to assist KFUPM students in identifying equivalent courses at partner universities for their semester abroad. The table provides detailed information about course equivalencies, including the course title, credit hours, and the equivalency status between the host university and KFUPM.

External Institution
Host University Host University Course Number Host CR HR Host University Course Title KFUPM Course Number KFUPM Major Status
Colorado School Of Mines HASS 200 3 Global studies -- Politics GS 342 GS Not Equivalent
Colorado School Of Mines HASS 344 3 International Relations GS 342 GS Equivalent
Cornell University ANTHR 1400 3 The comparison of cultures GS 355 GS Equivalent
Arizona State University ASB 102 Intro to Cultural Anthropology GS 355 GS Equivalent
Arizona State University PSY 315 3 Personality Theory and Research GS 420 GS Equivalent
Cornell University PSYCH 1101 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY GS 420 GS Not Equivalent
Colorado School Of Mines SCED 333 3 Educational Psychology and Assessment GS 426 GS Not Equivalent
Colorado School Of Mines HASS 415 3 Mass Media Studies GS 434 GS Equivalent
Colorado School Of Mines HASS 200 3 Global studies -- Politics GS 447 GS Not Equivalent
Colorado School Of Mines HASS 100 NATURE AND HUMAN VALUES GS 494 GS Not Equivalent