This tool is designed to assist KFUPM students in identifying equivalent courses at partner universities for their semester abroad. The table provides detailed information about course equivalencies, including the course title, credit hours, and the equivalency status between the host university and KFUPM.
Host University | Host University Course Number | Host CR HR | Host University Course Title | KFUPM Course Number | KFUPM Major | Status |
Colorado School Of Mines | CSCI 341 | 4 | Computer Organization | COE 301 | COE | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | CSE 230 | 4 | Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming | COE 301 | COE | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | CSE 320 | 3 | Design and Synthesis of Digital Hardware | COE 302 | COE | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | CSE 325 | 3 | Embedded Microprocessor Systems | COE 306 | COE | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | CSE 434 | Computer Networks | COE 344 | COE | Equivalent | |
Colorado School Of Mines | EBGN 201 | PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS | ECON 101 | ECON | Not Equivalent | |
Arizona State University | ECN 312 | 3 | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory | ECON 301 | ECON | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | ECN 313 | 3 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory | ECON 302 | ECON | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | ECN 315 | 3 | Money & Banking | ECON 305 | ECON | Equivalent |
Arizona State University | ECN 421 | Labor Economics | ECON 330 | ECON | Equivalent |